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Ordering CDs and DVDs directly from
Larry McDonough Jazz (LMJ)
CDs and DVDs
CDs - $15.00

2 CD Sets - $30.00 - Alice in Stonehenge and other AcoustElectric Adventures
DVDs - $10.00
First Class - $2
2 Day - $5
Overnight - $13
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Available by
Check mailed to
Larry McDonough Jazz (LMJ)
1161 Palace Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55105
Larry McDonough and Joel Shapira
Larry McDonough Quartet
CD $15.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough Quartet
2-CD Set $30, 2 for $50 from Larry McDonough
Larry McDonough Quartet
CD $15 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough and Richard Terrill
CD $15.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough Quartet
DVD for TV and PC; DVD for Itunes and IMovies
$10.00, or free with the purchase of 2 CDs
from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough Quartet
CD $15.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough
CD $15.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough
CD $15.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough and the Off Beat Quintet
CD $15.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough
CD $15.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
Larry McDonough and Phil Holm
Tape $10.00 from Larry McDonough Jazz
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Downloading and Streaming from ITunes
Intermodulating Undercurrents Live at the Kos:
The Music of Bill Evans and Jim Hall
Larry McDonough and Joel Shapira
Kind of Bill on the Palace Grounds
Marking 40 Years since the Death of Bill Evans.
Larry McDonough Quartet
Alice in Stonehenge and other
AcoustElectric Adventures
Larry McDonough Quartet
2-CD Set
Angels, Kings, My Favorite Things
Larry McDonough Quartet
Solitude, poetry in jazz
Larry McDonough and Richard Terrill
Simple Gifts
Larry McDonough Quartet
Tuscarora: Short Stories for Jazz Piano
Larry McDonough
Small Steps
Larry McDonough
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Other Streaming Services
Larry McDonough Quartet
Larry McDonough
Larry McDonough and Joel Shapira
I Heart Radio
Larry McDonough Quartet
Larry McDonough
Larry McDonough and Joel Shapira
Larry McDonough Quartet
Larry McDonough and Joel Shapira
Larry McDonough Quartet
Larry McDonough and Richard Terrill
Larry McDonough
Larry McDonough and Joel Shapira
Larry McDonough Jazz YouTube Channel.
Larry McDonough Quartet
Larry McDonough and Richard Terrill
Larry McDonough
Larry McDonough and Joel Shapira